API Details

This describes the resources that make up the Provet Connect API.


All API access is over HTTPS, and is accessed from the following domains:

Url Description
https://sandbox.api.connect.provet.com.au Sandbox environment for development and testing
https://api.connect.provet.com.au AU Production environment
https://api.connect.provet.co.nz NZ Production environment


By default, all requests receive the current version (version 1) of the API. We encourage you to explicity request this version via the Api-Version header.


The API service is authenticated via Token Submission over HTTPS.

If you do not provide the correct token(s) with each request, you will be returned a 401 Unauthorized HTTP Response.

Media Types

The API provides the following media types:


Any HTTP return code of 400 or greater is considered an error. Any return code in the range 400-499 is considered a client side error. Any return code greater than or equal to 500 is considered a server side error. Additional details of errors will be provided where applicable.

HTTP Request Headers

Each request made to the API will need the following information set in the HTTP header. An incomplete Request Header will resolve in a 400 Bad Request Http Response.

Header Allowed Values Description
Accept application/json
The type of payload to send / receive from the Provet Connect API
Content-Type application/json
The type of payload being sent to Provet Connect API (required for POST and PUT requests)
Api-Version Integer The version of the Provet Connect API
User-Auth String The User Access Token for the user accessing the API
Client StringThe Client Application Name and Version
Client-Auth String The Client Applciation Token
Practice String The practice name
User String The name of the end user accessing the API
Account-Code String


The Provet Account Code
Use this setting to enforce single account mode where a user may have access to more than one Provet Account

* Note If you do not supply a Provet Account Code, the user's default ordering account will be used (where the user has access to more than one Provet account)