This describes the product resource in the Provet Connect API.
List Products
Get a list of products from the product catalogue. A search string may be specified, otherwise the full catalogue of available products will be provided.
Where a product is no longer available it will no longer be returned as part of the catalogue.
The returned product list is limited to the top 20 products by default, otherwise the number of results is controlled by the result limit parameter.
GET /products
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Search | String | False | The search term to find in the products Searches through the Provet product code, name and description |
ResultLimit | Integer | False | The result limit is defaulted to the first 20 results. If all results are desired a negative number may be used. |
UpdatedAfter | DateTime | False |
The result is limited to only those product's that have had their metadata updated after the supplied DateTime. Specified in UTC ISO 8601 standard. Example: UpdatedAfter=2015-07-17T06:00:00+10:00 Note you may need to encode the date for correct URL parsing (eg: 2015-07-17T06:00:00%2B10:00)
CreatedAfter | DateTime | False |
The result is limited to only those product's that were created after the supplied DateTime. Specified in UTC ISO 8601 standard. Example: CreatedAfter=2015-07-17T06:00:00+10:00 Note you may need to encode the date for correct URL parsing (eg: 2015-07-17T06:00:00%2B10:00)
The ProductSummary returned in the response.
Name | Type | Description |
ProductCode | String | The Provet product code |
Description | String | The product description |
ListPrice | Decimal | The list price |
Price | Decimal | Price for a single item |
RRP | Decimal | The recommended retail price |
PictureUrl | String | The URL of the product picture |
Manufacturer | String | Product manufacturer |
ManufacturerCode | String | Code for the manufacturer |
DispensingUnit | Integer | The count for dispening |
TherapeuticIndex | String | The therapeutic index of the product |
DangerousGoodsClass | String | Any dangerous goods classification |
Length | Decimal | Product length (mm) |
Breadth | Decimal | Product breadth (mm) |
Height | Decimal | Product height (mm) |
Weight | Decimal | Product weight (grams) |
UnitOfMeasure | String | Description of the product packaging |
PoisonSchedule | String | Poison schedule information |
InfoSheetUrl | String | URL to the Provet Connnect Infosheet |
MSDSUrl | String | URL to the MSDS on Provet Connect |
Url | String | URL to the product information page on Provet Connect |
UpdatedOn | DateTime |
The date / time that the product metadata was added/modified (availability changes will not be reflected in this date) Specified in UTC standard. |
CreatedOn | DateTime |
The date / time the product was created in the system Specified in UTC standard. |
Get Product
Get a product from Provet Connect via the Product Code. Products that are marked as discontinued and have 0 StockAvailable cannot be ordered.
GET /products/{ProductCode}
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
ProductCode | String | True | The Provet product code URL encoded |
The Product returned in the response
Name | Type | Description |
ProductCode | String | The Provet product code |
Description | String | Description of the product |
ListPrice | Decimal | The list price |
Price | Decimal | Price for a single item |
GST | Boolean | GST applicable product |
PriceBreak | Array of PriceBreak | List of key value pairs with the minimum quantity required and the applicable price |
RRP | Decimal | The recommended retail price |
StockAvailable | Integer | Count of available stock for purchase |
ETA | Date | The estimated date the product can be delivered if there is none available for purchase |
Barcode | Array of String | The barcodes for the product |
Picture | String | The URL of the product picture |
Manufacturer | String | Product manufacturer |
ManufacturerCode | String | Code for the manufacturer |
Weight | Decimal | Product weight (grams) |
Length | Decimal | Product length (mm) |
Breadth | Decimal | Product breadth (mm) |
Height | Decimal | Product height (mm) |
DispensingUnit | Integer | The count for dispening |
UnitOfMeasure | String | Description of the product packaging |
TherapeuticIndex | String | The therapeutic index of the product |
DangerousGoodsClass | String | Any dangerous goods classification |
Discontinued | Boolean | True of the product had been discontinued |
SpecialOrder | Boolean | Product is not normally stocked but can be ordered |
NonReturnable | Boolean | True if the product is not returnable |
PoisonSchedule | String | Poison schedule information |
InfoSheetUrl | String | URL to the Provet Connnect Infosheet |
MSDSUrl | String | URL to the MSDS on Provet Connect |
Url | String | URL to the product information page on Provet Connect |
CreatedOn | DateTime |
The date / time the product was created in the system Specified in UTC standard. |
UpdatedOn | DateTime |
Last update date / time of the product's metadata Specified in UTC standard. |
Name | Type | Description |
Quantity | Integer | The minimum quantity required to access the price |
Price | Decimal | The applicable price at this quantity amount |